Frequently Asked Questions

Are you curious about how things work at our school?

Would you like to learn more about our educational program, enrollment process, or school activities? Check out our frequently asked questions! We've prepared answers to everything that might interest you. If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to contact us.

What is included in the tuition fee?

The tuition fee of 159,000 CZK for the elementary grade and 169,000 CZK for the junior high grade includes bilingual education according to the established schedule, educational materials, and didactic tools. Additionally, costs for lunches and snacks (approximately 100 CZK/lunch, 25 CZK/snack), after-school care (1,500 CZK/month), and extracurricular activities (approximately 1,500-5,000 CZK/semester) are charged separately, based on the parents' selection.

What is the ratio of English in teaching?

For Czech children, Czech is always the first (native) language that the child needs to develop, but a foreign language follows closely behind. Therefore, we aim to balance the ratio of Czech to English as closely as possible to 1:1. We switch to English at every opportunity (in educational subjects, during after-school care). Native speakers are with the children so frequently that there is an unlimited space for spontaneous conversation at school.

Who's teaching at the school?

In the elementary grade, each class is taught by three educators: a Czech teacher for Czech subjects, a native speaker for English subjects, and a teaching assistant who is constantly present in the classroom – this ensures exceptional conditions for effective learning. In the junior high grade, in addition to two class teachers (Czech/English), we also have an assistant, and subject specialists, often teachers from our high school, are involved. We carefully select our teachers.

Do native speakers teach the subjects?

Yes, for English lessons or bilingual subjects, we have native speakers or teachers with English at a C2 level. Our native speakers come from various countries and backgrounds, ensuring a diversity of cultures and language accents.

Do I have to know Czech or English?

For Czech children, prior experience with English is an advantage when entering the 1st grade, and the demands for English gradually increase in higher grades. If a child does not speak Czech, they must be an advanced English speaker. However, the most important factor is the willingness to learn the language and the effort to make rapid progress in both languages.

How are students evaluated?

In the 1st to 3rd grades, we use colors for assessment. In higher grades, we use a grading scale of 1-10, complemented with verbal feedback on what the student can improve in their performance and how. This is known as "formative assessment," which aims to support further learning, provide constructive feedback, and help students make progress in their studies.

How the school communicates with parents?

Communication with parents is key for us. Through various communication channels such as the intranet, text messages, emails, personal meetings, and biannual "tripartite" meetings (parent-student-teacher), we ensure that legal guardians are fully informed about what is happening at school and their child's academic progress. Parents are represented on the school board, and throughout the year, various informal meetings take place.

What time do the classes start and end?

The school opens at 7:45 AM, and the first lesson starts at 8:30 AM. The school (including the after-school care) operates until 5:30 PM, but children can leave after their lessons or after an afternoon extracurricular activity.

What about the after- school care?

Družina je určena dětem na 1. stupni a a je v provozu po skončení výuky až do 17:30 hodin. Odpolední činnosti v družině, nejen odpočinek a spontánní hra dětí, jsou plnohodnotnou, aktivní a pečlivě připravovanou součástí školního dne.

What about school lunches?

School meals, including morning and afternoon snacks, are provided in our school cafeteria. The meals are delivered by an external company. The meal includes a soup, a main dish, and a drink.

Do you offer any clubs?

.Before the start of each school year, we offer a selection of extracurricular activities and then run those that generate interest. Children can choose from sports, creative, and exploratory clubs, which are led by external instructors.

How can I apply?

Please fill out the contact form, and we will invite you to an individual pre-registration and a trial day, or to a transfer interview if applying for higher grades. We will be interested in your child's English (Czech) skills, their previous academic performance, and the expectations of both the child and the parents.

Am I sure my child will be accepted to the school?

Primary education should be accessible to everyone, and we adjust the capacity of our school to meet demand. Rather than simply accepting every application, we aim to advise you on whether the educational concept of our school aligns with the individual needs and potential of your child.

Is it possible to visit the school in person?

Yes, we highly recommend and welcome this. You can either attend one of our many open days or arrange an individual meeting with a tour of the school.

Do you have open days?

Yes, from November to March, we hold open days twice a month, always from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM at our school on Roháčova Street. During these sessions, we will present the school's concept, the organization of teaching, and answer all of your questions. Please check here for the exact dates.

Do you have test days at school?

For children who would like to try out lessons with us and experience what it's like to be a FOSTRA student, we offer an afternoon DEMOday. We will provide further details during the open house days or upon personal visits, which should precede the workshops.

What extracurricular activities do you do?

As part of project-based learning, we often study outdoors in the field – in the countryside and in the city (in museums, at exhibitions, and during excursions). In the elementary school, there is swimming instruction and a week of skiing (where we travel daily to the ski slopes from school). In the summer, we go on a school trip to the countryside. In the junior high school, we have an orientation camp (in the 6th grade), a skiing course in winter, and a trip abroad in the summer. The whole school participates in various competitions and we organize social events for parents.

How are the lessons taught?

In addition to frequently alternating between Czech and English during the school day, we also often vary the activities – we work in groups and independently, by grade and in mixed-age teams, at desks and in the field, always with two teachers in the classroom. We place emphasis on creative, investigative activities and the application of learned knowledge. We regularly teach through projects, where different subjects often overlap, but we also dedicate time to thorough practice and consolidation of the material.

What about tutoring?

We take care of students who, for various reasons, need assistance with learning. We actively identify students at risk of failure and, after intensive intervention, quickly reintegrate them back into regular education. The school employs teaching assistants, a special education teacher, and a school psychologist to help address challenging academic and life situations.

What grades are you opening?

In the 2025/26 school year, we will open 1st grade in elementary school, grades 6 and 8 in junior school (corresponding to the first and second years of a multi-year grammar school).

Junior high grade

Who is junior high for?

We offer an educational program for academically oriented students who are motivated to study both in Czech and English, aligned with the curriculum of our Fostra grammar schools, while ensuring ample time for academic and personal growth. Students who wish to attend a multi-year grammar can choose Fostra Elementary as a suitable alternative. Here, they can prepare for their future academic path at a more natural pace and in smaller study groups.

What is the teaching method at junior high?

The education at the junior high stage is designed to provide general knowledge and help students develop their interests in individual subjects. Students build habits for independent learning. The teaching of new subjects (physics, biology, chemistry, history, sociology) is highly practical, based on experiments and discovery, and focuses on experiential learning and project-based education. Expertise in teaching is guaranteed by teachers from the Fostra grammar schools, who teach some academic subjects here.

How do you prepare students for the entrance exams?

The 8th and 9th grades are focused on consolidating the knowledge and skills required for the unified entrance exam. We will cover all the prescribed material, test-solving strategies, and practice several mock tests. All of our students receive career counseling when choosing a high school and support during their individual preparation for the entrance exams to help them get into their dream school – ultimately, however, their effort and determination will make the final decision.

What is the success rate of students transitioning to secondary school?

As a newly established school, we understandably do not yet have graduates whose results we can showcase. However, our highly individualized approach to students, with two teachers in the classroom, our connection to our grammar school and many years of experience in building the junior high level at other private schools, provide sufficient assurance that our students will be well-prepared for the transition. Fostra Elementary prepares its students for a smooth transition to Fostra Grammar school and guarantees them a points advantage.

Do you organise stays abroad?

We see travel as the best opportunity to verify and deepen the language education provided at school. It is a unique chance to break communication barriers, develop independence, and explore new cultures. That is why we organize foreign trips every year.

Jak rozvíjíte nadané žáky?

We identify and nurture talent in every student, and this is made possible primarily by the small student-to-teacher ratio, averaging 12:1. For gifted students, we individually adjust the curriculum content and task difficulty both in terms of breadth and depth. We encourage their participation in various olympiads and competitions and provide them with opportunities for self-expression through independent and group work, particularly within project-based learning.

If your child is involved in professional sports, do you offer an individual education program?

Yes, at our school, we align the requirements of compulsory education with individual talents and strive to accommodate students by making adjustments to their schedules and the organization of lessons.

What is the transfer process to junior high?

We assess applicants through an interview and self-presentation to gauge their willingness to grow, check their level of English (we expect at least A2), and evaluate their general knowledge. Please read about how our DEMOday works.

Co zahrnuje školné?

Tuition covers the lessons according to the established timetable, which includes all subjects and activities outlined in the curriculum. It also includes access to the necessary learning materials and the use of school facilities.

Jaký je poměr anglického jazyka ve výuce?

Czech is always the first language that a child needs to develop, but a foreign language follows closely behind. Therefore, we aim to balance the proportion of Czech and English as closely as possible to a 1:1 ratio. This is not always feasible in every subject and grade (for example, in the 1st grade, there is more Czech), yet we switch to English at every opportunity (in educational subjects, in after-school care). Native speakers are with the children so often that there is unlimited space for spontaneous conversation at school.

Kdo na škole vyučuje?

The school is staffed by carefully selected teachers based on their personal qualities and professional experience. Each teacher meets the pedagogical standards of our school, continues their professional development, and works under the educational guidance of the school principal.

Vyučují předměty rodilí mluvčí?

Yes, except for mathematics and history (national history at the junior high level), subjects are taught in tandem (Czech + English teacher) or entirely in English.

Musím umět česky nebo anglicky?

For Czech children, prior experience with English is an advantage when entering the 1st grade, and the requirements for English gradually increase in higher grades. If a child does not speak Czech, they must be an advanced English speaker. However, the most important factor is the willingness to learn the language and the effort to make rapid progress in both languages.

Jak jsou žáci hodnoceni?

We use a grading scale of 1-10, which is supplemented with verbal feedback on what the student can improve in their performance and how to do so. This is called "formative assessment," which aims to support further learning, provide constructive feedback, and help students make progress in their studies.

Jak škola komunikuje s rodiči?

Communication with parents is key for us. Through various communication channels (intranet, text messages, emails, personal meetings, and twice a year "tripartite meetings" (parent-student-teacher)), we ensure that legal guardians are fully informed about what is happening at school and the academic progress of their child.

V kolik hodin začíná a končí výuka?

The school opens at 7:45, and the first lesson starts at 8:30. The school operates (including the after-school club) until 17:00, but children can leave after their lessons or after an afternoon club.

Jak je to s družinou?

The after-school club is intended for children in the elementary grade and begins after the morning lessons. The afternoon activities in the club, including not only rest and spontaneous play but also extracurricular activities in clubs, are a full, active, and carefully prepared part of the school day.

Jak je to s obědy?

School catering, including morning and afternoon snacks, is provided in our school canteen. The food is delivered by an external company, and our cooks serve it to the children. The meal includes soup, a main course, and a drink.

Nabízíte nějaké kroužky?

At the beginning of each school year, we offer a range of extracurricular activities, and we run those that generate interest. Children can choose from sports, creative, and exploratory clubs, which are led by external instructors.

Jak se mohu na školu přihlásit?

Please fill out the contact form, and we will invite you to a registration or transfer interview for higher grade levels. We will be interested in the child's English (Czech) proficiency, their previous academic performance, and the expectations of both the child and the parents.

Mám jistotu, že se mé dítě na školu dostane?

Primary education should be accessible to all, and we adjust the school's capacity to meet the demand. We will rather aim to advise you whether the educational concept of our school aligns with the individual needs and capabilities of your child.

Je možné školu vidět osobně?

Yes, we highly recommend and welcome this. You can attend one of our many open house days or arrange an individual tour.

Máte dny otevřených dveří?

Yes, from November to March, we hold two sessions per month, always from 16:00 to 17:30 at our school on Roháčova Street. During these sessions, we will introduce you to the school's concept, teaching organization, and answer all your questions. Exact dates:

Máte školní dny nanečisto?

 For children who wish to experience what it's like to be a student at FOSTRA, we offer afternoon workshops focused on specific themes. Details will be provided during the open house or personal visits, which should precede the workshops.

Jaké mimoškolní aktivity realizujete?

As part of project-based learning, we often take our lessons outdoors – in the countryside, as well as in the city (in museums, at exhibitions, and on excursions). In the summer, we go on a nature school trip.

Jak probíhá výuka?

In addition to regularly alternating between Czech and English throughout the school day, we also frequently change activities – we work both in groups and individually, across grades, and in age-mixed teams, both in the classroom and outdoors. We emphasize creative, exploratory tasks and the application of learned knowledge. We regularly teach in projects, where different subjects often overlap, but we also make time for thorough practice and reinforcement of the material.

Jak je to s doučováním?

 Pupils who require additional support with learning for various reasons are assisted by teaching assistants. We actively identify pupils at risk of failure and, after intensive intervention, quickly reintegrate them back into regular education. The school also has a school psychologist to help with resolving complex school and life situations.

Jaké ročníky otevíráte?